Friday, October 3, 2008


Rarely do I dip into
the deep frigid cistern of desperate desire;
Even though I have all the time in the world,
There’s no time to waste on foolish fantasies.

But if I carelessly tread too close to the edge,
I tumble in, thrash, struggle,
And warm the cold well water
With fevered tears of longing.

I want to hug all my children
Until we collapse into the grass of home and
Roll over one another like bear cubs in spring dew.

I want my children’s children to pile in
Bringing sharp elbows, squealing giggles and

I want Momma, Daddy and Gary to cling to each other
As they witness our homecoming antics
From their begonia-embroidered, sun-speckled porch.

I burn with desire for simple grass stains,
Smudged, soiled marks of my home turf.

But I also want all the children in the world to feel
Safe and loved, warm and clean, with full bellies.

I want only honest politicians with spirit-lead passions
To serve each nation.

This old hippie wants Love and Peace to prevail.
“Make Love not War”.

But my most fervent prayer is for these bony knees to sport
Bright – green grass stains, fresh from my folk’s front yard.

Patricia Prewitt
October 3, 2008

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